DB -> DataBase = In short, it's a big folder storing data
select * -> used when getting the data. used to all the Query viewing data
from food_orders
* -> Bring all the column
from-> statement to specify the table when bringing data
Selecting necessary parts of the column
select restaurant_name, addr
from food_orders
select (specific name of the column), (specific name of the column), ....
from (table)
Changing the name of the column
select (name of the column) as (changed name), (name of the column) (changed name)
2 ways to change the name
1. (name of the column) as (changed name)
2. (name of the column) (changed name) -> don't use "as"
The point when changing the name
1. English or underbar
Just write as usual -> orb_yes
2. Other language(Korean) or Special characters
Must be covered with "" -> "특수문자"
If searching only certain data under condition, (where)
select *
from customers
WHERE age = 21
for gender,
select *
from customers
WHERE gender = 'male' -> Since male itself is not a column, but a text, it must be covered with ""
WHERE (condition) =
Other ways of filtering methods(Comparison operation, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE)
Comparison operation
= -> same Ex. gender = "female"
<> not same (different) Ex. gender <> "female"
> big Ex. age > 21
>= same or big Ex. age >= 21
< small Ex. age < 21
<= same or small Ex. age <= 21
BETWEEN -> It brings all the data between A and B
IN -> adding the condition" including"
LIKE -> not exactly same but adding the similar data condition
Frame - WHERE (table) between (condition) and (condition)
WHERE age between 21 and 23 -> getting the column from age, and bring all the data between 21 ~ 23
Ex. IN
Frame - WHERE (table) in ((condition)) -> must covered by ()
WHERE age in (21, 25, 27) -> only gets the data where the ages are 21, 25, 27
Frame -
1. If it starts with specific start text -> WHERE (table) like '(starting text)%'
2. If it includes a special text -> WHERE (table) like '%including text%'
3. If it ends with specific text -> WHERE (table) like %(starting text)'
Ex. 1
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
Multiple Condition(and, or, not)
select *
from customers c
WHERE age >= 21
and gender = 'male'
and -> It will make all the condition statements work together
select *
from customers c
WHERE age >= 21
or gender = 'male'
Or -> will show all the data that satisfied any of the condition
select *
from customers c
WHERE not gender = 'male'
not = same as <>
Good night!